“Even if colonialism today, in Africa and other countries of the ‘third world’, no longer employs the more brutal forms of genocide and slavery, the concepts of cultural and racial superiority on which its legitimation are founded have not been really reconsidered” (Alain Daniélou, Génocides culturels en Afrique, 1969.
“It is very important to leave prejudices aside if we seek to retrieve the common sources of African civilization and ancient Dravidian culture” (Alain Daniélou, Relation entre les cultures dravidiennes et négro-africaines, 1978).
This workshop on Voodoo and its relation to Nature is inscribed in the ecosophical and transcultural initiative of the Alain Daniélou Foundation, inspired by Alain Daniélou’s later work, which goes beyond the Indo-European question and opens a new horizon of reflection – quite relevant to our present context.