Alain Daniélou Foundation
The Alain Daniélou Foundation , founded by Alain Daniélou in 1969
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The Alain Daniélou Foundation, founded in 1969 by Alain Daniélou and Jacques Cloarec as Harsharan, continues its activities according to the challenges of new contexts and further interactions.
The Alain Daniélou Foundation encourages Indian and European artists/scholars to participate in joint activities such as master-classes, workshops and residency programmes. It also organises public talks, exhibits and spectacles to promote Indian classical and contemporary arts.
The Alain Daniélou Foundation’s activities are inspired by the work of Alain Daniélou and Raymond Burnier, whose heritage are to be discussed in a broader context according to the demands of our time and in the light of other authors with transcultural relevance.