Photo by Amanda Viana, 2023.
Venue: The Labyrinth, Alain Daniélou Foundation
Colle Labirinto 24, Zagarolo (Rome), Italy.
Dates: 29 September – 1 October, 2023.
This workshop, inspired by Alain Daniélou’s vision of a de-centered humanity (cf. Shiva and Dionysos, 1979), will be focused on thematic complexes disclosed in the work of Graham Harvey (Open University, UK), notably in his books Animism: Respecting the Living World (2005) and Contemporary Paganism (2011). Graham Harvey has been working on modern Paganism, indigenous traditions, and new animism for more than two decades; he has developed a theoretical and descriptive but also a practical and performative approach to some aspects of the traditions and movements included in his own research field. The workshop will count with the special participation of Barbara Glowczewski (CNRS, EHESS, Collège de France), whose reinterpretation of Australian totemism through the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari – in books like Totemic Becomings (2015), Indigenising Anthropology with Guattari and Deleuze (2019) and Réveiller les esprits de la Terre (2021) constitutes a remarkable attempt at transversal thinking as well as an important voice in the fight against neo-colonialism and ecocide. The workhop discussions will be enriched by the participation of: Luis Eduardo Luna (Director of Wasiwaska Research Center, Brazil), Santiago Lopez-Pavillard (President of the Eleusis Society, Spain), Adrian Harris (Director of Ecopsychology at the Synthesis Institute, UK), Andy Letcher (Senior Lecturer at Schumacher College, UK), Viviana Lipuma (Researcher at Labex Arts H2H, University Paris 8, France), Molly Harvey (art historian, Hexham Abbey, UK) and Linda Valle (Editor at the publishing house Mimesis, Italy).