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In March 2013 the Alain Daniélou Foundation, Alain Daniélou’s works published by the Spanish publishing houses Kairós and Atalanta were presented for the first time in Mexico.

On the 19th of March 2013 at Casa Lamm, a first appointment was held with Augustín Pániker (Kairós Ed.), who introduced the Spanish language translation of three of Alain Daniélou’s works: Shiva y Dionisos, El Shivaísmo y la Tradición and El Camino del Laberinto.

After the presentation a concert of Northern Indian Music was performed by Hollving Argáez (sitar) and Ilyas Hussain Khan (tabla).

On the 21st at the Librería Octavio Paz, a second appointment was held with Jacobo Siruela (Atalanta Ed), who introduced the Spanish translation of a further two of Alain Daniélou’s works: Dioses y Mitos de la India and Mientras los Dioses juegan.

After the presentation a footage with some unpublished photos of India by Alain Daniélou and Raymond Burnier from the 1930s and 40s was screened.

The two-days event was organised with the support of many cultural Institutions, amongh which: ICCR and Casa de la India.

For further information, please download the fact sheet.