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The subtitle of Kadakh is an a-moral tale. It is a film about relationships and marriage that wonders what the right thing to do is and what action could be considered ethically wrong, even if morally ambiguous. The film is set on the night of the biggest festival of the year in India – Diwali, the Festival of Lights – the perfect setting for a dark comedy…

Rajat Kapoor is an actor, writer and director born in Delhi. As a teenager, he became interested in cinema thanks to his family and decided to become a director. Kapoor focused mainly on acting at first and when he had trouble finding an acting job in the 90s, he began writing and directing films.

Hindi sub. Italian/English
Duration: 99’
India, 2020

With the presence of

Giorgio Gosetti director Casa del Cinema

Selvaggia Velo director River to River Florence Indian Film Festival

Riccardo Biadene artistic director the Alain Daniélou Foundation, KAMA Productions

Free admission

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