In mid-November 2014 the Alain Daniélou Foundation housed the two artist, the Indian dancer Shantala Shivalingappa and the Spanish singer and composer Ferran Savall, along with their group of musicians: Jordi Gaspar (double bass), David Mayoral (percussions), Nedyalko Nedyalkov (kaval) and Driss El Maloumi (oud).
They worked on the creation of the new project IMPRO SHARANA, which is co-produced by the Alain Daniélou Foundation,
Mercat de les Flors of Barcelona and Festival Temporada Alta of Girona (Spain).
The Alain Daniélou Foundation will present this project within the main Italian and European dance festivals after the summer 2016.
12 photos
Photos: Giorgio Pace
Interview of Shantala Shivalingappa
Interview of Shantala Shivalingappa