Adrián Navigante held two lectures and two seminars at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich between July 4 and 6, 2018. The first lecture, in English, discussed C. G. Jung’s Question of Visions and the Door to the East, and the homonymous seminar next day, visions and their relationship to Kundalini experience as well as the significance of mandalas and yantras from the perspective of Depth Psychology, including insights from the fields of comparative philosophy and history of religions. The second lecture, in German, Einführung in Mysterium Coniunctionis, considered a major subject in the field of psychology: the relationship between polarity and paradox based on the phenomenon of transference and its relevance in ancient and mediaeval doctrines of “Self”-transformation. Both lectures and seminars emphasized consideration of non-Eurocentric patterns, as already initiated by C. G. Jung himself and playing a central role in the heritage of Alain Daniélou. The lectures and seminars held in Zurich maintain official cooperation with the C. G. Jung Institute and legitimise the seminars at Zagarolo as part of the official study programme of the C. G. Jung Institute.